Beware...this post has a plethora of pictures. Don't say I didn't warn you. Anyway, we traveled over to the coast of North Carolina in June for my Grandmother's 80th birthday. My Dad's side of the family all came and we had a blast! This was Megan's first time on a plane and she did great even though she had an ear infection. :( Ella loved playing in the sand, swimming in the pool, and dancing to any kind of music she heard. The girl was a dancing machine that weekend. It was wonderful catching up with family from all over. I think they said we had 8 or 9 states represented that weekend. So happy, happy birthday to my Nana! We love you very much!!

Ella showing Megan the ropes of riding in an airplane

Ryan's new Facebook profile shot

Ella dancing to whatever music was playing

Leah, Ella, and Daddy

The Parker Family. One day all of us will be looking at the camera.

Silly Ella

My Dad and his brothers (Uncle Richard and Uncle Ronnie)

Me and my beautiful Nana

Me and my cousin Sandy

So sad this one is blurry. I loved this picture of me and Leah.

Ryan pretending to act natural while holding a child

My Dad, Nana, and Rene'

The three amigos. Pay no attention to my hair. It was blazing hot in there and it was time for it to go up!

Ella, Avery, and Leah
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