Well off we went to the surgery center AGAIN this time for Megan so that she could have tubes put in and her adenoids removed. We now know that surgery center like the back of our hand. Ella's been there twice for two sets of tunes and now Megan once for her tubes. Poor Megan has pretty much had a chronic ear infection since the beginning of May. So this was our best option to help her. She was NOT a happy camper that morning considering how early we had to get up and then she wasn't allowed anything to eat or drink. But she did great in surgery. She was pretty cranky the rest of the day from not feeling so hot. But she is now feeling so much better. You can just tell by looking at her sweet face.

Snuggles with Papaw before surgery

Ella's just glad it's not her turn this time

Waiting for the surgeon

Don't let this sweet face fool you...she was not a happy camper back in triage!
1 comment:
Poor baby!! Hope she is feeling better soon! Beautiful girls!! (Ella looks so grown) Love you girls! and your mommy and daddy!!
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