Ella Marie...you are 4 years old today!! Where has the time gone!?! You are such a loving and independent little girl and your Daddy and I are having so much fun watching you grow. You are so smart! Your abstract thinking is out of this world for your age. You absolutely amaze me. And you definitely have your Mommy's sense of direction. You can tell us how to get anywhere. You absolutely love your sister. It warms my heart to see you guys snuggling, laughing together, and loving on each other. You also have your many fights but I guess that is what sisters 2 years apart do. But at least you always hug and make up. I pray that you stay so close to Megan for the rest of your life. Your personality is phenominal. You are constantly making us laugh. The looks you give, the laughs you laugh, the smiles that warm are hearts are some of the things that make you amazing. You have such a pure heart and we are so proud to call you our daughter. We love you Ella Bean!
4 years old

3 years old

2 years old

1 year old

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