Happy Birthday to my Beautiful Ella!! She is 2 years old today, and is such a joy. Don't get me wrong...she definitely has her two year old moments that can test her Daddy's and my patience. But she is the joy and light of our lives. We thank God daily for entrusting us with her care. She makes us laugh every single day. And we could not be more blessed to call her our daughter. In honor of her birthday I thought I would do a few fun facts about her. Don't worry...pictures of her day today are coming. I'm just too tired to download them all tonight. :)
Loves: Fire trucks, motorcycles, buses, golf clubs, being outside, telephones, reading books, animals, balloons
Favorite Foods: Pizza, oranges, applesauce, french fries, grapes, apples, mac and cheese. And she's my dipper. She likes to dip her foods in ketchup, ranch, sauces, etc.
Favorite tv show/movie: Toddler Songs, Bear in the Big Blue House, Dora, Backyardigans
Favorite Songs: Itsy Bitsy Spider, The Wheels on the Bus
Favorite Sayings: I running, I do it, I get it, I did it, Mine, No (hence the patience tester for Mommy and Daddy), Love you, It raining, Nanner (Tanner)
She also loves to turn light switches on and off, buckling herself in her booster seat, and falling asleep in her dollhouse. Ella has a huge personality and is very strong willed. She likes routine. For dinner she has us all sit in the same seat every night. And for the most part she's the one that will remind us to say grace before dinner. She loves to hold hands and say our prayer and then say Amen. She loves to read a minimum of 3 books before bed. She has Daddy suckered and he'll read as many as she wants. She's very affectionate when she wants to be and gives the best wet kisses and hugs. And she is a huge Daddy's girl. Daddy is the best thing ever to this girl, and it just melts my heart to see the two of them together. He is so wonderful with her.
She's wonderful and perfect in her own Ella way. We could not have asked for more. We love you very much baby girl!! Happy Birthday!!
Slow Cooker Queso Chicken Tacos (4-Ingredients)
5 years ago
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