Sorry this post has no pictures, but our wireless is not working and in order to download pictures we need our wireless working. So we will be fixing that soon. Anyway, here are a couple of things that I wanted to jot down to remember about what Ella is saying and doing at this stage.
-The other morning I went upstairs to get her up and ready for school. I walk into her room and she is not in her bed or on the floor. So I look in the closet...not there either. So now I'm starting to get a little worried. Anyway, I look through her dollhouse window and she is fast asleep on the floor in her dollhouse with her blanket underneath her.
-Also, on the way to school the other day she was making me laugh. So I said, "Ella, you're so funny." To which she responds, "I know." Gotta love the confidence. :)
-She loves saying the words airplanes, motorcycles, fire trucks, buses, raining, and running.
-She loves to be quizzed. She likes for you to ask her which ones is the cat, dog, etc. And she loves to point them out to you.
-And she went tinkle on the potty for the first time ever tonight!!! Jeremy and I were so excited we didn't know what to do, but jump up and down and cheer.
-She is just getting so big and she's turning into such a little girl. She's the light of our lives and we can't wait to see her be a great, big sister to Megan.
-Just a note on Megan...we went to my 37 week appointment today and she's weighing approximately 7lbs 7ozs. So she's looking to be on track to the size that Ella was when she was born. But she looks great and is practicing her breathing. We can't wait to meet our second bundle of joy!!
Slow Cooker Queso Chicken Tacos (4-Ingredients)
5 years ago
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