The house we stayed in is behind Jeremy and Ella.

A big diaper butt, wrinkely feet, and a cellphone...what more could you need?

Mommy's funny

Giving Mommy kisses

Crazy girl

Not happy with the water

Once again...using the tongue

Trying to taste the wind

How cute are they?

I use this tongue for everything

Storm coming in

Buddy...are you sure you know what you're doing?...Well I'm here to help.
Well, we had a fabulous week in Hilton Head, SC. Once again Ella was wonderful on the flights. She had a grand ole time in mine and Jeremy's lap on the way there and then slept the whole way home (both flights with ear infections). But if any of you with babies think it is going to be a relaxing beach week...think again! It is exhausting. But definitely worth it! We had a wonderful time with my mom's family. We had 27 people in one big beach house on the water. What a great time we had! Here are a couple of pictures from the week. I actually found myself not taking a whole lot of pictures. I was too busy chasing around a ten month old. Also, we found out that she doesn't mind the sand. Doesn't care for the ocean water, but loves the pool.