Here are a couple of Ella's 6 month pictures that were taken on Saturday. And she has a tooth!!! It came through last week. And it feels like she has a couple more that should be here soon. So, of course, thats making her a little cranky. Lets see...what else...oh, yeah...she threw a bloody fit at us the other day. Mommy asked very nicely if she could see the toy that Ella was playing with, and she was not having it. As soon as I took it away out came a large scream. We could not believe it. Of course we got it on video. So as soon as we can figure out how to upload video's on here we'll share it with you. So things are going very well in the Parker house. She's growing and changing daily and is such a wonderful blessing to have. We feel in awe that God has entrusted us to take care of her. Amazing!
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