It's been one whole, long year. In a way I'm so glad that this year is over because it's been so hard. But then that makes me sad because that means I'm going to keep moving further away from the last time she was here. And that's ok. Life was meant to live fully and in the moment. She would want us to. But, boy, we miss her. But she is always with us. Heck, the woman even had a meteroid shower exactly one year after she passed away. I set my alarm to see it. And lo and behold I watched a meteroid out my window around 3am. Who does that!?! Only my mother.
Thank you to everyone for all your love and support this past year. It's helped me tremendously. More than you'll ever know.
AfterglowI'd like the memory of me
To be a happy one.
I'd like to leave an afterglow
Of smiles
When life is done.
I'd like to leave an echo whispering
Softly down the ways.
Of happy times and laughing times
And bright sunny days.
I'd like the tears of those who grieve,
To dry before the sun
Of happy memories that I leave
When life is done.
-Author unknown