We took Megan for her 2 month checkup on Monday. She's doing great. She now weighs 13lbs 14oz, which is in the 97th percentile. And she's 23 1/4 in long, which is in the 75th percentile. They also measured her head. I can't remember what it was but it was in the 75th percentile as well. And she also got 3 shots in the leg and then 1 dose by mouth. Poor baby!! But she was such a trooper. She was done crying as soon as it was over. She is such a happy, laid back baby and we could not be more blessed than to have her in our lives. We are so proud of you baby girl for having such a good checkup!

I'm sorry...I'm getting how many shots? Have you lost your mind?

It gets a little boring in the doctor's office

Not knowing what's about to hit

The beginning

Ok...that hurts

And now I'm just blood red mad!

Mommy kisses make it all better!