We just got back from a wonderful family vacation to Florida. Jeremy's mom and stepdad were down there one day while we were so we got to see them and hang out with them for a little bit. They were even able to babysit while Jeremy and I could squeeze in a date night. We appreciated it greatly! The weather was beautiful and not too hot, which was nice for a 30 week pregnant woman. We got in some beach time, pool, shopping, and we all even went golfing. Ella loved the pool and the beach, but did not care for the ocean except on the very last day we were there. She was ready to jump in...waves and all. Go figure. Ella was such a good girl the whole trip. We were just so proud of her. And the next time we go back we'll be a family of four!
Just as a side note...Ella did so well in Florida sleeping on a big girl bed we decided to go ahead and transition her to her big girl room as soon as we got home. And she has done WONDERFUL! She loves her big girl bed and has been sleeping great. Let's hope that continues. :)

Her new favorite place to ride

Doesn't she look cute in her Lilly?

Serious golfer

Loved riding in the golf cart with Daddy

Mommy and Ella

Don't mind "her bigness" on the right :)

Giving Daddy kisses

Loves the pool

Ella and MeMe